The best dumbbell sets for working out at home


Working from home can have a massive impact on your health and fitness, especially when it disrupts your normal routine. 

Gone are the days of nipping to the gym on your lunch break or squeezing in a class before your last train home. Your fitness can start to spiral without a regular workout plan, and it can be difficult to recover. It’s not impossible, though.

SEE ALSO: 6 of the best home treadmills in the UK

You can fully commit to working out from home if you have the right equipment and plenty of motivation. You really haven’t got any excuses any more, because you can purchase everything from treadmills to ellipticals online. Motivation is a little more tricky, but surrounding yourself with quality fitness gear may provide a push to get started. Read more…

More about Lifestyle, Fitness, Dumbbell, Shopping Uk, and Uk Deals

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IMAGE: Amazon


York Fitness Rubber Hex Dumbbells

Rubber coated ends provide durability and protection, and stop your weights from rolling away.

    £39.99 from Amazon

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    IMAGE: Amazon


    MultiWare Adjustable Dumbbell Set

    These dumbbells can be converted into a barbell, meaning you can effectively train your whole body with one set.

      £59.99 from Amazon

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      IMAGE: Amazon


      Sportstech 2-in-1 Dumbbell Set

      This practical dumbbell set is the ideal partner for weight training in the comfort of your own home.

        £69.95 from Amazon

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        IMAGE: Amazon


        Mirafit Dumbbell Weight Set

        Neoprene weights are suitable for a wide range of exercises.

          £44.99 from Amazon

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          IMAGE: Argos


          Men’s Health Rubber Dumbbell Set

          Knurled bar provides a secure and comfortable grip for when you need it most.

            £59.99 from Argos

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            IMAGE: Argos

            BEST FOR TONING

            Opti Vinyl Dumbbell Set

            Strengthen and tone your whole body with this cheap set of dumbbells.

              £24.99 from Argos

              Source : The best dumbbell sets for working out at home