The trendy five: Blazing hot GitHub repos in June 2019


Every month, we go over the GitHub trending page for any cool repos that stand out from the crowd. We choose five of the most innovative, interesting, and well-thought out projects to highlight in our monthly report. As always, it was tough to narrow down the list of GitHub repos to our five favorites.

So, in no particular order, here are our top picks for June 2019!



Use Vega grammar in Kibana. Source.

Kibana is a “browser-based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch” from Elastic. The welcome dashboard/live demo will clue you into all of its capabilities. It allows users to help shape their data any way they desire, for a better understanding or more comprehensive visualization. It ships with common visualizations including histograms, line graphs, pie charts, sunbursts, and more.

Check out the getting started guide and see what you need to get up and running. You can either explore Kibana using the Flight dashboard or if you fancy, build your own dashboard and manually load your own data set.

Full documentation and user guide available here.

V lang

The V programming language is the new kid on the block. Currently in its alpha stage, n June 29th, it was open sourced for Linux, macOS, and Windows.

SEE ALSO: Pythia: Facebook’s deep learning framework for the vision and language domain

If you’re familiar with Golang, V takes much of its design inspiration from it, claiming that with prior Go knowledge, V will take under a half hour to get the hang of.

From the documentation, just some of the key features of V include:

  • Fast compilation times: ≈1.2 million lines of code per second per CPU core
  • Uses direct machine code generation
  •  Statically typed
  • Hot code reloading
  • Fast C/C++ translation (Can it run DOOM? Yes, it even translated DOOM from C to V in 0.7 seconds, with just a few minor problems regarding the sound and comments.)
  • GUI and graphics libraries

As for the road ahead, version 1.0 is planned to release in December 2019.


Here’s one for the Internet of Things. ThingsBoard is an open source IoT platform that helps perform data collection, processing, visualization, and device management.

Some of the features include:

  • Real-time IoT dashboards
  • Create complex IoT rule chains/engines
  • Telemetry data collection
  • Horizontal scalability
  • Over 30 configurable widgets for data visualization
  • Multi-tenancy support

Get started with the tutorial and see how this can potentially change your IoT projects.


From the Facebook research labs comes an open source robotics research platform. Say hello to PyRobot! PyRobot is a “light weight, high-level interface which provides hardware independent APIs for robot manipulation and navigation”.

Check out the official documentation here and start teaching your own robot. PyRobot requires Ubuntu 16.04, ROS kinetic, KDL, and the Python virtual environment.

Supported robotics models include LoCoBot (and LocoBot-Lite) and Sawyer.

Get a load of this cutie showing off its manipulation. It’s hard not to anthropomorphize robots when they are this cute.

Kubernetes failure stories

How about something a bit different? Kubernetes Failure Stories compiles the best public failure and horror stories about Kubernetes difficulties, production outages, breaking clusters, traffic loss, and more.

This list helps show that no one is alone when it comes to Kubernetes struggles. Large, experienced teams have many real-world horror stories while trying to navigate the environment. Even Spotify once accidentally deleted all of its Kube clusters.

These stories on GitHub also collect involved aspects and the impact. So, you can easily browse and find tales that can help relate to your own specific Kubernetes woes.

SEE ALSO: Automated build and deployment of Docker containerized OSGi applications on Kubernetes

Do you have a catastrophic story or postmortem to share? Help others learn from your mistakes, or just take some time to laugh at yourself and submit it via pull request.

That’s all for this month! See you in August with the next batch of GitHub repos.

The post The trendy five: Blazing hot GitHub repos in June 2019 appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter