This activist is a beacon of hope for reproductive justice in the South

  • December 8, 2020

In 2017, the summer before her first year of college at Tulane University, LaKia Williams was searching online for books on Black feminists. The election of Donald Trump had made Williams more aware of her Blackness and her own internalized anti-Blackness. She typed “Black feminism” in YouTube, not realizing it was an established term.

“I was trying to learn more about Blackness, and I wanted to listen to what Black women say about feminism,” says Williams, who happened upon a YouTuber who recommended the book Killing the Black Body, by Dorothy Roberts. “That’s where I learned about the history of racism and reproduction since slavery up until now,” says Williams. As she learned about the history of reproductive violence against Black women — including enslaved Black women being subjected to medical procedures without anesthesia by a white doctor — she realized she wanted to be a gynecologist. Read more…

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Source : This activist is a beacon of hope for reproductive justice in the South