Trump falsely declares Pennsylvania victory, so Seth Meyers declares himself ruler of Westeros

  • November 6, 2020

The U.S. presidential election is still dragging on, as votes continue to be counted and key states remain too close to call. Of course, this hasn’t stopped President Donald Trump from calling them anyway, prematurely declaring victory in several states despite having nothing to back him up.

“Oh, you’re declaring victory in Pennsylvania?” said Late Night host Seth Meyers on Thursday. “Okay, well I’m declaring myself King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, and my first official act is not sending that dragon to fight the Night King.”

As Meyers pointed out, saying something does not make it so — nor does tweeting it, or angrily yelling it into a microphone. Read more…

More about Seth Meyers, Election 2020, Culture, and Politics

Source : Trump falsely declares Pennsylvania victory, so Seth Meyers declares himself ruler of Westeros