Twitter’s trending section is an extra hellish minefield during the pandemic


Even on its best day, Twitter’s trending section wasn’t exactly a stellar feature. 

Seemingly dropped from an unfeeling algorithm in the sky, the tab has nearly always been filled with out-of-context names, random nonsense-phrases from the president, and — oh yeah — some lovely disinformation. 

But in the age of coronavirus, holy hell is it bad. Like bad bad. 

Every day, it’s a new name entirely divorced from context. In a panic, you rush to see: Did they die!? Do they have the virus!?

Sometimes, you’re rewarded with a phew. Other times, not so much. 

The other day Lizzo and Dave Grohl were both trending and I was like no way and yes, luckily, no way. But a couple of days ago it was Fred Willard and SHIT, NO, NO.  Read more…

More about Twitter, Trending, Trending Topics, Coronavirus, and Covid 19

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Twitter’s trending section is an extra hellish minefield during the pandemic