VS Code 1.41 ships with TypeScript 3.7.3

  • December 16, 2019

Microsoft has released VS Code 1.41. This update fixes seven notable bugs, adds new workbench and editor functions and comes with support for optional chaining in TypeScript and JavaScript.

Language updates

The latest VS Code version comes with TypeScript 3.7.3. This means all the new language features are on board, such as optional chaining, nullish coalescing and assertion functions.

SEE ALSO: TypeScript 3.7 adds long-awaited optional chaining feature

Optional chaining is supported out of the box for both JavaScript and TypeScript, with syntax highlighting and IntelliSense:

VS Code now also automatically inserts ?. when users accept a completion on an optional property.

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    Workbench updates

    The file explorer now supports rendering single child folders in a compact form, which should useful for Java package structures, as the VS Code developers state. The setting explorer.compactFolders is responsible for this and activated by default.

    This is how the compact explorer looks:

    Among other workbench updates, it is now possible to edit the left-hand side when comparing two editors. The changes can be saved via Ctrl+S or by using the auto save option File > Auto Save.

    Editor updates

    VS Code 1.41 adds error and warning highlights in the minimiap. Colors can be edited with minimap.errorHighlight and minimap.warningHighlight.

    In this example, a comma is missing:

    Content changes decorations are now shown in the minimap as well. Additional editor updates include the option to map alternate commands to Go to Definition, e.g. Go to References.

    SEE ALSO: TypeScript 3.7 adds long-awaited optional chaining feature

    Notable bug fixes include the removal of confusing gray attributes in launch.json, and backreferences are now supported in global searching when search.usePCRE2 is disabled.

    The full release notes offer further information on Visual Studio Code 1.41.

    The post VS Code 1.41 ships with TypeScript 3.7.3 appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter