Weekly round-up: Java 12, IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1 RC, Angular v8: Beta.9 & more

  • March 25, 2019

Java 12 is here!

The most important news that came out last week was certainly the General Availability of Java 12! Although it is not an LTS release, it definitely brings some important features to the table. In light of the Java 12 release, we caught up with Donald Smith, Senior Director, Product Management for Java at Oracle to talk about the latest version, how the new release cadence has affected the workflow for the Java team, the new feature that he is most excited about, and more!

Make sure to check out this interview here and the overview of the newest release here.

On the road to Angular v8

The betas keep coming!

The 10th beta is very generous; not only does it add support for TypeScript 3.3 (so don’t use the older versions anymore!) but there are also a bunch of breaking changes. Does this mean the RC phase is upon us? We’ll see.

In the meantime, check out our thread to have a closer look at what’s included in beta.9.

IntelliJ IDEA 2019 progress report

Things move quickly in the IntelliJ IDEA world. The Release Candidate for IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1 is here! This is the last chance to give feedback and make your voice heard before the GA arrives. So, if you have any pressing constructive criticism, get to it!

Check out what’s in store for the upcoming release here.

Eclipse IDE 2019-03 is now available

The third quarterly Simultaneous Release for the Eclipse IDE arrives with seventy-five participating projects in tow.

Have a look at the new and noteworthy items of various projects in the 2019-03 release train through Holger Voormann’s latest videos.

Istio 1.1 is enterprise-ready

It’s not far-fetched to say that Istio is one of the hottest open source projects right now; anyone who’s interested in microservices, containers and even serverless will find it useful.

Today, we’re celebrating the release of Istio 1.1. Since this service mesh is beginning to receive more attention from the enterprise world, the team has worked hard to make sure companies using it have a smooth ride; that’s why the theme of this release is enterprise-ready.

Have a look at the Istio 1.1 highlights here.

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Source : JAXenter