What’s in store for Vue.js?

  • March 4, 2019

The new edition of the State of Vue.js report has arrived and it offers extensive data on the Vue ecosystem.

This year’s report, in addition to data related to Vue usage, it includes interviews from boulder companies like Gitlab and Livestorm, case studies that aim to demonstrate Vue’s value as well input from Evan You, the creator of the framework himself, on what’s next for Vue.

Let’s have a look at the most interesting findings presented in the 2019 State of Vue.js report.

All the highlights

This year, the Vue.js report features the responses of more than 1,500 participants. To start off our overview of the most interesting highlights, let’s have a look at what the respondents value most about Vue.

the ease of integration seems to be the number one advantage Vue.js brings to an organization, according to this year’s participants, while the high-level documentation is considered almost equally important of an advantage.

When asked to list what they use Vue for, the respondents reported that the number one use case, by far,  for Vue is controlling the entire front page in SPA.

Moving on to the tools, it is no surprise to see Vue.js as the most used framework for front-end development by the respondents. However, it is most interesting to see that jQuery still holds a fair share of spotlight among front-end tools.

Another interesting finding presented in the 2019 State of Vue.js report is the language preferences of the respondents for back-end development.

Node.js and PHP are by far the most popular choices by this year’s participants.

SEE ALSO: Vue 2.6 brings some important improvements, new features and more

What’s next for Vue?

Last but not least, let’s have a look at what Evan You had to say about the future of Vue.

ES2015+ – In 2019 we should expect more mature native support for ES2015 and above in mainstream browsers.

TypeScript – The new major version will provide a native class-based API for authoring components, TSX support, and in general more solid type definitions due to us switching to TypeScript as the internal implementation language.

Web components – A promising use case for web components is for encapsulating a component and shipping it as a framework agnostic, native custom element that can be used anywhere. Another aspect of web components that the team intends to investigate is leveraging Shadow DOM as a native mechanism for CSS encapsulation.

HTML modules – HTML Modules is a new proposal under the web components umbrella that is more relevant to Vue.js as it is very similar to Vue’s SFC (single-file components) format. It is currently still being discussed, but the Edge team from Microsoft has posted an intent to implement in the Chromium project.

WebAssembly – One area where it might be promising to leverage WebAssembly in Vue is server-side rendering. Due to the fact that Vue projects primarily use templates, it is possible to pre-compile the templates and render them via WebAssembly for significantly better performance.

Mobile apps – In 3.0, Vue will provide a first-class custom renderer API. Users can use Vue’s core runtime as a dependency and build on top of it. The API will allow easy bridging to iOS/Android native renderers, or other use cases such as testing or rendering to terminals.

If you are interested in finding out more about what the Vue team has in store for the future as well as the interviews and case studies mentioned in the introduction of this article, you can find the full State of Vue.js report here.

The post What’s in store for Vue.js? appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter