The Final Books For These Favorite YA Trilogies: Critical Linking, December 23, 2019

  • December 23, 2019

Critical Linking, a daily roundup of the most interesting bookish links from around the web is sponsored by the Read Harder Journal, a reading log for tracking your books and reading outside your comfort zone!

“Writing a multi-book series is a bit like trying to get your arms around an elephant: even if and when you succeed, you feel like you have been stretched to the breaking point. This fall, the authors of several bestselling YA series delivered concluding books. We asked each how they started, how they managed, and how they felt when it was over.”

Looking to read a completed series? Here you go!

“Gonna go out on a limb here and say that most people probably don’t know that these movies have literary origins because the film versions are just as good, if not—in some cases at least—better!”

A post with films you don’t know are based on books circulates every year and every year I click it because I still can’t get over some, and usually find a new one.

“‘I remember … saying, ‘Look, there’s mommy!’ And then suddenly becoming aware of two women who were shopping in the department next to us, saying to one another, ‘Isn’t that sweet? That little girl thinks her mother is Mary Poppins,’ Hamilton says. ‘That was the first time I understood that my mom’s job was perhaps a little different.’

Andrews looks back on her early life in Hollywood in the new memoir, Home Work, which she co-wrote with Hamilton. It’s the 32nd book that the mother and daughter duo have written together.”

Esqueeze me, Julie Andrews and her daughter Emma Walton Hamilton have written how many books together?!

Source : The Final Books For These Favorite YA Trilogies: Critical Linking, December 23, 2019