Easier Kubernetes cluster deployment with Kubespray

  • March 14, 2019

It’s no secret that Kubernetes is becoming the new standard and continues to maintain a fierce hold on the scene. Its ecosystem continues to expand and take over the container orchestration world. However, new users may struggle learning some of the ins and outs. Don’t let the learning difficulty get you down. There’s no shortage of tutorials out there for learning Kubernetes for anyone with some time and patience. So, there’s never been a better time to learn!

Today we introduce a deployment tool, Kubespray, that can be of some use to newcomers when deploying clusters.

Production ready Kubernetes clusters

Kubespray is an Ansible based tool which helps users deploy a production ready Kubernetes cluster.

It can deploy on a multitude of popular cloud providers. For now, this includes AWS, GCE, Azure, OpenStack, vSphere, Packet (bare metal), Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (experimental), and Baremetal.

Key features of Kubespray:

  • Highly available cluster
  • Composable (Choice of the network plugin for instance)
  • Supports most popular Linux distributions
  • Continuous integration tests
  • Configurable parameters

SEE ALSO: 6 tips for transitioning to Kubernetes

Start deploying your clusters!

Check out the requirements to see what you need to start. You will need Ansible v2.6 or newer and Jinga v2.9 or newer. The target servers must have Internet access and must be configured to allow IPv4 forwarding. Of course, you should also make sure to manage your firewalls to avoid issues.

Follow the getting started guide on GitHub to begin building your own inventory and start custom deployment. Learn how to add and remove nodes, as well as connect to Kubernetes and access the dashboard and API.

Robert N., a Cloud Engineer for OpenStack, recently posted a helpful guide on Medium.com: Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster on OpenStack using Kubespray. The guide lists how to setup cluster configuration and prepares you for deploying your cluster infrastructure with Terraform. More info about OpenStack and Kubespray deployment is available in the documentation.

By the end of the guide, you will know how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on an OpenStack cloud and be one step closer to total Kubernetes mastery. Kudos, Robert N!

As for the future of Kubespray, check out the roadmap and see what’s planned for the road ahead.

SEE ALSO: Get yourself a smart and flexible keptn for running cloud-native apps on Kubernetes

Kubespray or Kops?

Not for you? Luckily, the documentation shows off useful comparisons for those looking for other similar tools.

Kops “helps you create, destroy, upgrade and maintain production-grade, highly available, Kubernetes clusters from the command line”. It currently supports AWS, with GCE in beta support. If you do not wish to use Ansible, Kops may be the right choice for you. The easy to use open source tool supports custom Kubernetes add-ons.

Watch a demo here for a taste of what it looks like in action. Then, go on and see how to set up with AWS here.

No matter what tool you use, good luck on your voyage!

The post Easier Kubernetes cluster deployment with Kubespray appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter